Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dr. Says "Hospitals Are Death Traps"

From my inbox is this from Dr. Douglass;  Hospitals are death traps  Here is the single most alarming quote of all from Dr. Douglass' article!  (Other than the sheer NUMBERS)  "Still, that adds up to at least 80,000 unnecessary deaths in a single year, and the biggest reason for them can be summed up in a single word: DRUGS. Medication errors — the wrong drug, or the right drug in the wrong amount — accounted for more than half the deaths in the new study."  It would be nice to know how many deaths and adverse events are attributable to Versed/Midazolam abuse and over use...  Medical people love this drug so much that any kind of objective reporting is impossible in my opinion.

Dr. Douglass' opening statements;  "Thousands of Americans are killed every month — and thousands more are badly hurt or sickened — by carelessness, stupidity, and neglect in the one place where they least expect it." (emphasis mine) 
"The hospital."      (emphasis mine) 
"New government numbers prove that zoo animals get better care than America’s seniors — because one in seven hospitalized Medicare patients suffer from serious medical mistakes."  (emphasis mine)
 Here's another quote;  "Other patients suffered from preventable infections, falls, incorrect procedures, bleeding problems and more. Some suffered from more than one mistake — and one elderly patient hit the opposite of a jackpot: Six errors in one hospital stay."

Versed/Midazolam was the wrong drug for me in any amount.  I know it and my so-called caregivers KNEW it!  They knew it before they gave it to me.  Didn't make any difference.  I got the "preventable infection" too AND my procedure was done incorrectly.  So, while I didn't hit the jackpot like the patient referenced above by Dr. Douglass, I had enough problems to bring me here to this page!  Thanks Aaron and Doug.  (my CRNA and surgeon respectively)

Here's what it costs us to have a bunch of incompetent people in the medical field;  "The only encouraging stat here is the cost of all those mistakes — $4 billion a year. That’s practically pocket change in an era of trillion-dollar stimulus and bailout packages."  That's 4 BILLION dollars a year of EXTRA MONEY for hospitals to correct the mistakes they made.  Can we say RACKET?

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