Saturday, August 13, 2011

From My Inbox

My health care debacle went far beyond the administration of Versed and G/A against my will. My surgery was botched as well. After reading this article, I realize it could have been worse... Suppose my surgeon had chosen some other procedure to perform instead of my ORIF distal Radius fracture? Now if I had been allowed to remain "awake and alert" as I demanded, this couldn't have happened to me, but alas they deliberately and maliciously diregarded my precise instructions and gave me the very things which I had declined. I have said often in this blog that I feel that patients should stay awake (NO Versed) and monitor their health care staff whenever possible. It really is safer for the patient to keep track of what is going on. It could save your life, or at least prevent some mistakes. You can't tell me that working on a cognizant patient doesn't cause the people involved to be more careful! Anyway here is the link; (love the title)

Careful where you swing that axe, doc "Maybe my standards are unreasonably high — but I fully expect every surgeon in the country to be able to find the body part he’s supposed to operate on. Apparently, this is too much to ask…" (First sentences of the article from Dr. Douglass)

Thank you Dr. Douglass. You confirm my theory.

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