Sunday, June 12, 2011

Is This Lady Lying?

All over the internet I see medical people and others disparaging those of us who have had a severe reaction to their wonder drug Versed/Midazolam. Here is yet another post from on 06/07/2011 correctly identifying several of the problems we are having with Versed! Is she a liar? What would be her purpose in blaming Versed for her anguish? Why? What would make people arbitrarily decide that a particular drug caused them harm? Does it make sense to have people do this? I ask these rhetorical questions as a way to show medical people and others how ridiculous their assumptions are. It was the Versed stupid!

Here's the symptoms quote; "anxiety, disorientation, vision and coordination problems, anger, flashbacks and nightmares"

This is what the lady says she experienced after her Versed injection. What makes medical people think that these symptoms are not from Versed? It's because medical people like the effects of Versed, and do NOT CARE if we suffer as long as they can make their job easier!

Here's the body of the post which describes the OTHER reasons why she dislikes Versed and anybody who is involved in using Versed. This lady exhibits an absolutely normal response to the situation.

"I honestly do not know why this drug was used. I was told it would "relax" me and within minutes I was incapiciated in the "holding area" before surgery. When I finally came to, I was scared and disoriented about where I was. I couldn't remember what happened in recovery or being moved and had lost hours of time after I was supposedly brought out of general anesthesia. My already poor eye sight was worse for days, and I couldn't get my balance. I was disrespected by the crna that gave me this drug, which I do remember. (thanks for making fun of my inability to talk after you "medicated" me and laughing behind my husband's back at his concern) Frankly, I suspect this drug and the bad behavior of the people that inject it are among the reasons people avoid doctors, hospitals, and health care workers in general. I have become one of them."

The lady is correct in her assessment. Many, many people are saying the exact same thing. For medical people to argue with us over the problems with Versed is lunacy. It makes us patients think you are all conceited morons. Sorry if that upsets those medical people who think that Versed is the best thing since sliced bread, but it's true. When you people state categorically that we are all lying about Versed, for no reason, and that we are all crazy people, it makes YOU look like a crazy person. The truth about Versed is slapping you in the face and yet, you lie about this drug! BTW what color is the sky on the medical workers' planet?

"Frankly, I suspect this drug and the bad behavior of the people that inject it are among the reasons people avoid doctors, hospitals, and health care workers in general."

Absolutely, categorically, indubitably, indisputably correct. No question about it.

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