Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abject, Craven OBEDIENCE!

I have mentioned that Versed is a patient control drug.  I'm talking about complete, immediate, zombie style obedience.  As in obeying against my will.  Total humiliation.  Total stripping of my free will type obedience.  Of course one of the guys from took great exception to this statement even though he LOVES giving Versed and in his own words gets "heavy handed" with the it, knowing full well about the Versed obedience.  Most people have amnesia of the events transpiring after Versed injection and can't remember what a craven, slavering, obedient DOG they were with Versed in their bloodstream.  It is TRUE that people injected with Versed become docile and agreeable to anything that the crna or other wants them to do.  Medical people KNOW THIS!   Why would they deny it?  They talk about "cooperative" patients, what does that mean then?  Here then is yet another person who was shocked and appalled by their total obedience, even though they were in great pain.   Am *I* the only person who thinks that this kind of personality annihilation can create PTSD?

Here's a quote from the post, snagged from
"My first memory is the dentist pulling on my teeth, me being in excruciating pain and him telling me to open my mouth wider. Despite the terrible pain, I could not resist opening my mouth as wide as I possibly could and then apologizing for not doing it properly. Long story short, I remember 3/4 teeth being removed in vivid detail. The pain, the crunching, the blood, I remember 10% of the entire procedure, and how painful it was"
"My first memory is the dentist pulling on my teeth, me being in excruciating pain and him telling me to open my mouth wider.  Despite the terrible pain, I could not resist opening my mouth as wide as I possibly could and then apologizing for not doing it properly."  How would you like it if you remembered doing things like this?  It isn't funny.  It's shameful.  How despicable for medical people to force us into this kind of behavior! 
PS Thanks Glenn for helping me with tech support!

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