Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I just got this absolutely HEARTBREAKING comment on my post "Dentists And Versed."

"My only child, 17 year old daughter Jenny Olenick, died in April from complications after having one wisdom tooth extracted. Versed was was of the several drugs given. She went into cardiac arrest and the oral surgeon never even got to remove the other 3 teeth. She was in a coma in the Ped ICU at Hopkins for 9 days, then eventually stopped all breathing. Thank you for this blog. Maybe it will save another child's life."

My deepest most heartfelt sympathy for your loss. I have a 12 year old daughter, an only child as well, and I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. You try your very best to take good care of your precious child, just to have this happen when you thought you were doing the right thing. Horrifying! I actually allowed my daughters dentist to sedate her when she was 4. Naturally nothing was really explained to me. When I saw her eyes as they gave her the drug I knew I had made the wrong decision. Then they refused to allow me to accompany her into the dental area. Now I know why! Who knows how smart she could have been if I hadn't allowed Versed, or if it had been explained to me including the death part. I got lucky. I trusted them with my most prized possession and they betrayed that trust. Much, MUCH worse for you...

This also makes me feel sick in another way... I am angry that I was given Versed, in violation of my very clear instructions and in violation of every single law there is on the books as far as informed consent and patient autonomy goes. It absolutely wrecked my mind and caused unimaginable emotional suffering. However *I* am still alive! This little girl (to us Moms, young lady to others) Jenny Olenick, wasn't so lucky. (nurses and doctors, please do not bother to e-mail or post that it could have been one of the other drugs... I will not post it! We all know that Versed is notorious for this kind of thing! Look at the "side effects" and "warning label/black box" on the vial!) I decided to show everybody what some of the side effects of Versed are; This is from extended side effects - AOL Search Results

Versed Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting, and a slow heart rate are some of the common side effects reported with Versed. Side effects of the medication are mostly minor, requiring little or no treatment. There are, however, a number of potentially serious Versed side effects that should be reported to a healthcare provider right away. Among these more serious side effects are difficulty breathing, an irregular heart rhythm, and signs of an allergic reaction.

"...a slow heart rate.." and "...irregular heart rythm..." Insane Nurse who has been so adamant that Versed is oh so very safe should read this and BELIEVE IT! So many people have died as a result of this drug it isn't even funny. I'm so sorry this happened. So preventable if we had just known how bad this drug Versed can be... Our health care providers should start being serious about their job instead of lying to us about the safety of Versed so that they can have their way...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very kindly for your note in response to my post about Jenny. I am so happy to hear your daughter made it through...

    But I am very sad to read how Versed really messed you up. This is so tremendously tragic and UNnecessary... We need to raise awareness. I had no idea Jenny would be given something with these lethal effects. My name is Cathy Garger - Please write to me some more on Facebook if you would like to.

    Yes, we do all we can possibly do to try to protect our kids, get them (what we think is) the best care possible, and then... things go wrong with these drugs - things we were never even told could happen... And, adding insult to injury, when dental patients are deprived of Oxygen for so very long after they go south (fairly common in dental offices when these life-threatening emergencies occur)... the kids suffer severe, severe brain damage, often have seizures, go into comas, and eventually stop breathing. This, of course, shatters the survivors' world. Our children die because we were told they "must" have the wisdom teeth removed.

    Now I'd rather have her live with crooked teeth. Few people die from having crooked teeth.

    I also wanted to share 2 articles about Jenny in the event any of your readers might like to see them. I also want to share with you a group that is trying to bring to light pediatric dental deaths. In addition, I have some more tremendously disturbing info on IV Versed (2 separate sections below):

    Articles on Jenny Olenick's dental death:

    Pediatric Dental Death Foundation:

    MORE INFO on Versed:

    Midazolam hydrochloride injection is a potent sedative agent that requires slow administration and individualization of dosage. Clinical experience has shown midazolam hydrochloride to be 3 to 4 times as potent per mg as diazepam. [i.e. Valium] BECAUSE SERIOUS AND LIFE-THREATENING CARDIORESPIRATORY ADVERSE EVENTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED, PROVISION FOR MONITORING, DETECTION AND CORRECTION OF THESE REACTIONS MUST BE MADE FOR EVERY PATIENT T0 WHOM MIDAZOLAM HYDROCHLORIDE INJECTION IS ADMINISTERED, REGARDLESS OF AGE OR HEALTH STATUS. Excessive single doses or rapid intravenous administration may result in respiratory depression, airway obstruction and/or arrest. The potential for these latter effects is increased in debilitated patients, those receiving concomitant medications capable of depressing the CNS, and patients without an endotracheal tube but undergoing a procedure involving the upper airway such as endoscopy or dental (see package insert for Boxed WARNING and WARNINGS).


    Adult and Pediatric: Intravenous midazolam has been associated with respiratory depression and respiratory arrest, especially when used for sedation in noncritical care settings. In some cases, where this was not recognized promptly and treated effectively, death or hypoxic encephalopathy has resulted. Intravenous midazolam should be used only in hospital or ambulatory care settings, including physicians’ and dental offices, that provide for continuous monitoring of respiratory and cardiac function, ie, pulse oximetry. Immediate availability of resuscitative drugs and age- and size-appropriate equipment for bag/valve/mask ventilation and intubation, and personnel trained in their use and skilled in airway management should be assured (see WARNINGS). For deeply sedated pediatric patients, a dedicated individual, other than the practitioner performing the procedure, should monitor the patient throughout the procedure.

