Sunday, August 5, 2012

What Percentage Of Patients Are Harmed By Versed?

Have you ever thought about just how many people are harmed by the application of a brain poison called Versed?  Medical people occasionally admit that Versed is harmful, but usually with the caveat that we must have been brain damaged prior to Versed and the Versed only exacerbated the problem.  My first thought is that even IF it's only damaged people that are affected by Versed, then why are they using it on everybody?  Shouldn't there be some kind of restraint in using a drug which "exacerbates" mental problems?  I mean, they aren't going to give us all an EEG prior to surgery are they?  How much will that add to the cost?

How many people take Prozac et al?  What percentage of the population is on some kind of mood drug?  Every wonder?  So are these the people the medical workers are referring to?  I don't take any drugs, so how come *I* reacted so badly to Versed?  So if we believe the medical workers when they tell us that it's all of us INSANE people who don't like Versed, do they NOT give Versed to people who take any mood enhancement drugs? 

What is the REAL percentage of people who hate Versed?  At the medical center where I went the "patient relations" nurse (actually part of the legal team) claimed that I was the only person in the entire world who had ever had a bad reaction to Versed.  But (big BUT) she also sounded like a robot while she parroted the old refrain of "you don't want to remember the pain" and "once you walked through those doors, we could do anything we wanted to you" along with "we were only trying to help you."  None of which is true.  So how many times did that morbidly obese nurse confront patients whose personalities had been destroyed by Versed?  It wasn't just me, and I keep on hearing the same excuses from different medical workers...  Like the lines in a play!  Same things over and over.

Medical workers will ADMIT to a 10% severe side effect rate among patients for Versed.  ONE IN TEN PATIENTS!!!!  Oddly, that number is extremely low as compared to the many, MANY web pages written by disgruntled patients who were attacked with Versed.  On the face of it, it appears that almost 50% or nearly half of patients intensely dislike this precious (to medical workers) amnesia drug.  I'll bet that if we had a person, an honest one without an axe to grind, whose sole purpose was to contact patients about their experience with Versed, that number would rise.

The questions would be something like this...  Did the amnesia work well for you?  Do you remember screaming or asking for the procedure to stop?  Are you experiencing any unusual depression?  Any excessive anxiety?  Are you experiencing any anger issues?  Are you having any problems sleeping subsequent to your sedation?  Are you having any problems with your short term memory function?  Questions along those lines which encourage patients to speak freely about their experience rather than leading questions like "You didn't have any problems with sedation now did you?"

If this person were really diligent, they could get into some of the "informed consent" problems which permeate the medical community.  They could ask if they knew they were going to have an amnesia drug instead of pain relief.  They could ask if the patient was aware that they could blurt out secrets during their amnesia time?  They could ask if they recognise any unusual behavior after Versed.  I read where many of these anesthesia providers use that Versed induced "hypnosis" to try to alter patient behaviors, such as smoking or drinking.  They could ask if the informed consent mentioned the amnesia, abject obedience or relayed any information on the possible deleterious mental side effects.  That way we could also get an idea about what percentage of patients were given a true and lawful informed consent.

It seems very strange that PATIENTS are claiming a different view of Versed than medical workers.  Medical workers are telling us that we patients LOVE Versed, that Versed has zero side effects etc.  Patients are saying that their experience was terrifying, horrible, unquestionably unpleasant, and, that they were not consented properly.  Patients are saying that their mental health has been compromised with Versed.  So how do we arrive at a true percentage of patients who have a bad reaction to Versed given that the medical field is in complete denial?  We need some empirical studies by unbiased third parties.
I truly would like to know the percentage of trusting patients who are being sent into Hell in order to make medical workers jobs easier.  There is no other reason to use Versed.  I've heard all the excuses, the lies and the self serving obfuscations, but what we need is transparency and TRUTH in medicine. 

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