Don't let medical or dental providers give you the poison called Versed. The only people that this drug is safe for is the drug pusher! This drug allows care-GIVERS to be care-LESS with you. Not only was I shockingly poisoned against my will, but my surgery ORIF distal radius was carelessly done. We need health care reform and this is why...
Washington state just did this as well. Do the regulatory bodies need any more proof that medical workers need to be drug tested? Don't get me wrong, I oppose the so-called "War On Drugs" for the simple reason that you can't wage WAR on an inanimate object. It's stupid to say so. They are waging WAR on their subjects, oops, citizens. However, I don't want my already ethically challenged medical workers deciding to smoke a blunt before work because of their "stressful" job. (boo hoo, sniffle) Not to mention the rest of the goodies they can get at work.